Sponsors & Contributors

Community Funded

The Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival gratefully acknowledges our many contributors for their financial support. Without you, our Festival would not exist, and we sincerely thank you for your support.

Individual Support

Hope Nautilus - $20,000 & Up

The Burroughs Family Foundation: Richard Burroughs III and Nancy Bartmess

The Gant Family Foundation

Jack and Sandy Halsey

Eric Sakurai and Becky Stafford

Diamond Nautilus - $10,000 - $19,999

Leslie Berghoef

Paul Bosland

Sue Braddock

Bill and Sheila Braddock

Erle and Candace Bridgewater

Bill Hensley and Anne Coonrod Hensley

Michel and Heidja Kruse

Scott and Judy McCue (in memory of Christopher Rex)

Anne Akiko Meyers and Jason Subotky (in memory of

Christopher Rex)

Tom and Jeanette Pippin

James & Dorothy Baer Foundation

Platinum Nautilus - $5,000 - $9,999

James Babcock

Ron and Dorothy Cheeley

Jeanne Conner

Lyn Deroy and Family (in memory of Michel Deroy)

Jim and Jane Flynn

William and Debbie Hyde

Jack and Bev Keigwin

Joanna M. Kennard

Sharon Lennon

Steven and Peggy McCormick

Kathleen Minder and Stephen Gessner (in honor of

Eric Sakurai)

Steven and Jerrie Sell

John Stancin and Margaret Bellucci

Jacqueline Dorrance Tomlinson

Martha Wilkins (in memory of Christopher Rex)

Gold Nautilus - $2,500 - $4,999

Francesco and Amanda Borghese

Bill and Anne Gower

Dan Groth and Frances Peters

Claudia Koerner

Bob Lindberg

Peter and Jackie Martin

Mark and Vicki Satterthwaite

Dr. Mauricio Masferrer and Julie Stola

Bud and Elizabeth Tanis (in memory of Maxine Tanis)

Mark and Kathy Whitehead (in honor of William Ransom)

Tom and Vicki Whittemore

Silver Nautilus - $1,000 - $2,499

William Agricola

David and Michelle Baldacci

Susan Barry and Gerand Custer

Peter Chamberlin

Russell and Margaret Dancy

Dr. George and Jean de Tarnowsky

Jaime Frias

Chuck and Russell Glasheen

Edward Hughes

Mark and Donna Kaufman

Dr. Howard S. and Carol A. Kirshner

Robert Lacey

Jo-Ann Leimberg (in memory of Steve Leimberg)

Dr. Joe Marasco (in memory of Michel Deroy)

Peter and Jackie Martin

Linda Merritt

Wayne and Jean Middleton

Don and Mary Miech

Gary and Toni Myers

Mike Petro and Farley Kern

Charles and Janet Plosser

Robert and Catherine Randall

William Ransom and Yinzi Kong

Jeffrey and Sandra Rogers

Irene Sanchez

John Stancin and Margaret Bellucci

Don and Anne Teddlie

Richard and Helen Tufaro

Kevin and Lisa Webber

Hugh and Anne Williams

Crystal Nautilus - $500 - $999

Anonymous (in honor of Christopher Rex)

Axia Public Relations (Jason & Tabitha Mudd)

David and Gloria Beeman

Robert Bell

Karen Berger

Elizabeth Bivins

Patti Bock

Mike and Charlotte Bowling

Craig and Toni Boelsen

Richard and Patricia Campana

Barbara Cardile

Carole Cooper-Haims

Sylvia Derrick

Jennifer Dwyer

Gigi Feazell

Anne Freeman

John and Sandra Fulton

Tricia Gerak

John Giffin and Mrs. Nancy Warren

Hugh and Patricia Hayden

Corky and Andrea Hoffman

Susan Gottesman Jarzyna

Dr. Robert Joyce and Rebecca Joyce

Adam and Dee Kaufman

Stephen and Susan Kaye


Anthony and Peggy Kolasa

Dr. Nick and Lis Krawiecki

Rod and Dee Matthews

Don and Sally McCarron

Carol Meyer

Wayne and Jean Middleton

Sandra Neal

Charles and Janet Plosser

Richard and Diane Price

Chris and Jana Ragucci

Steve and Cille Ramsey

Jim Raycraft and Pamela Fox

Lyn Rion

Marie Santry

George and Fran Shea

Robert Stockho

Lind and Hella Swenson (in memory of Christopher Rex)

Sebastien and Lauren Templeton

Sarah Warden and Michael Kushner, MD

Barb Wenger

Catherine Whitt

Tom and Connie Wiggins (in honor of Christopher Rex)

Donald and Janet Wilkerson

Carleton and Barbara Zacheis

Cynthia Zarsky

Friends of the Festival - $100 - $499

Muna Abu-Shaar (in memory of Michel Deroy)

Deb Ahern (in memory of Michel Deroy)

Barbara Alleva (in honor of Trang and Will Wiest,

in memory of Trinh Thủuy Phaẩm Romquille)

Carrie Anderson Mays

Lindsay and Katherine Arthur

David and Robyn Barrie

David Barry

Karen Berger

Jan Biddick

Thomas Black

Emma Mills Bledsoe

Michael and Sarah Borns

Henry and Katya Bowers

Mike Bowling

Bettie Briggs

David Britt

Marjolein Bib Wolke

Morris and Kathe Brown (in memory of Christopher Rex)

Don Casey

Kevin and Judy Connelly

Ken and Carol Copithorne

Kristin Cortes

James Daubel

Don and Cathy DeCesare

James and Chloe Dekle

Alexis Dell

Kathleen Devlin

David Douglas

Gracia Drew

Beverly Durity

Ronald Eash and Mary Ann Rood

Sarah Edwards

David Eggleston (in memory of my friend, Michel Deroy)

Emily Farmer

Christal Fish

Sara Flohr

Anita Gadzuk (in memory of Bill Gadzuk and Nancy Phillips)

Stephen Gahan

Brad and Leanna Gallagher

Michael and Linda Gard

Beth-Ann Gentile

Patricia Gieg

Jose and Ana Gonzalez

Diana Gould

Jean Goulden

John Chen and Karen Grippo

Gordon and Rosemary Hart

Robert and Janet Hartig

Barbara Heggenstaller (in memory of

Christopher Rex)

Frank and Phyllis Helmes

John Herron

Stephen and Paula Heuser

Jeffrey and Shelley Hirshberg

Phyllis Hockett

Corky and Andrea Hoffman

Paul and Laura Howard

Nancy Inboden

Mary Jane Johnson and Larry Williams

Neil and Lorraine Johnson

Andrea Kerin

Allen and Beverly Kezsbom

Ron and Janet Kolar

Dr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger

Linda Kurtz

David Lakari

John Lindbeck

Thomas Logan

John and Vanessa Lukas

Michael MacDonald and Ann Warren MacDonald

George Maentz

Kenneth Manning

Richard and Sandra Marr

Nancy Martinez (in honor of Emma Mills Bledsoe

and Dr. Nina Knight)

Lynne McArdle

Stacy and Robert McKenzie

Merry McNamara

Carl and Liona Meaux

Paul and Christin Meehan (in memory of Michel Deroy)

Timothy Meredith

Anna & Hays Mershon (in honor of Will Ransom)

Mark Metzler

Carole J. Miller

Tim and June Miller

David and Kathy Miller

David Moriconi

Louise Mozena

Eileen Murphy

Jamie Nelson

James Newman

Maureen Nussman

Ralph and Anne Oman

Geraldine Otremba

Jeffrey Packer and Jane Sandhaus-Packer

Frank Paren and Patricia Zeno

Beth Partleton

Joel and Alice Payne

Len and Lynne Pelletiere

Carolyn Phanstiel

Michael Pierdiluca

Stewart Pikula

Charles and Judith Pillans

Michael and Shelden Pisani (in honor of Sue Braddock)

Thomas Polito

Lynne Radcliffe and Csaba Egyhazy

Laura Rhoden

Steve Ramsey

Blaine and Linda Rieke

Dr. Henry and Phyllis Rodeffer

Molly Rogers

Cornell Susan Rudov

Wilbur Rust

Fred and Jennifer Salisbury

Douglas Schiffman

Karl and Margaret Schneider

Deborah Schultz

Sam Schwartz

Richard Seaman

Frank Segalla

Ed Segraves

Lee and Helen Sessions

Mary Shepherd

Cynthia Shoff

Elizabeth Shorstein

Anne Showalter

Patricia Anne Siberski

Buddy and Susan Sinor

Tom Sintes

Helen Smith (in honor of Christopher Rex)

Marie Smith

Clayton and Jan Smith

Charles Smith

Sarah Snell (in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Thomas)

Emmy Lou Sorum

George and Shirley Spaniel

Ed and Judy Stanley

Kenneth and Barbara Stanley

Sheryl Starling

Sherry Stefina

Michael and Salme Steinberg

Zora R. Stevens

Rose M. Stubbs (in memory of Bob Stubbs)

Richard Swenson (in memory of Christopher Rex)

Bryan and Karen Tabler

Benjamin Tandy

Robert Tankel

Nancy Tarbis

Robert and Mireille Threlkel

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tonti

Elvine Topac

Mary Kathryn Tri (in memory of Michel Deroy)

Sherilyn Van Orden

Chris Walker

Kai Wang

Edward and Carolyn Wax

Marjean Wegner

Tom Wiggins

Lawrence and Mary Jane Williams

Edward and Willma Wolcott

William E. Wright

MaryAnn Wright-Galbraith

Dora Yelk

Martha Yohe

Carolyn Zisser

Karen Zurlo

Festival Supporters - Up to $99

Cynthia Aldridge

Patrice Bugelasbrandt

Bernadine Collins

Peter Deane

Frank and Elizabeth Deigaard (in memory of Christopher Rex)

Mary Emerson Smith

Scott Griswold

Irene Hambrock

Joshua Jenkins

Elaine Kerkezi

Scott Kessler

Erin Bailey Lake

Thomas Logan

Brian McChristian

Janis McLean

Gary McRimmon

Alice Payne

Robert Richardson

Patricia Soper

Doree Stow

Government & Business Support

Government Support

State of Florida Division of Arts and Culture: Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the national Endowment for the Arts

Amelia Island Tourist Development Council

Nassau County Arts and Culture

Business Support

First Federal Bank

Keyboard Connection- Jack Melvin

Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island
